Monday, October 4, 2010

What It's Like Being A Stuffed Animal: A Story of Fear and Loathing

October 1st

It was so simple at first: little old me, a simple stuffed dog, would join my best friend as he lay in bed. I would have my head on the pillow, dreaming peacefully.

Not anymore. It was a very horrible day for me! When my best friend awoke, I expected a nice pat on my head for my unending loyalty. I would never run away. But instead, I watched as he left the room, leaving me to stew in my loneliness another day.

After a while, a hand reached out to me. I soon found myself against the floor, staring into the dark and unsympathetic eyes of a large beast. Said beast had a similar build to me, but had white fur and a mouth full of sharp white teeth. The beast gleefully sank its teeth into my form. I found myself being battered repeatedly before the creature spat me out.
"What a happy girl you are," my friend said to the beast, apparently not realizing what horrors I had just gone through. "Gucci, good dog!"
The beast ignored the coos of affection and slammed her body against me, snorting and spitting while doing so.

October 5th

I woke up to see the sun rise overhead. I was unsure how long I was without my friend, but I assume at least a day.

The beast called the Gucci had thrown me under the couch, where I sat, too scared to move. I saw Gucci barking at me, baring her teeth and wagging her tail. She soon departed from my sight to follow a similar white beast, the one my friend called a "Misty." The Misty hissed at the Gucci before meowing and slapping the dog with its mighty paw.

Gucci fell asleep between the blankets of her bed. I continued to look on, wondering what to do. I thought I would stay here and wait for assistance. I told myself that my friend would be back, that he would rescue me. A part of me doubted it, but I remained strong, comforted by the thought of being with my friend.

I was still very lonely. I could feel dust settle on my form. I could see a spider pass by and step closer to the Gucci. I begged it to stop before it got to close to the beast, but it didn't seem to hear me. I watched at it walked over the Gucci's face without fear. I hoped that I would be brave enough to do the same: face the beast without fear.

October 6th

A day or two has passed, I am sure. I forgot how many suns have set and risen, it all seems to blend together.

I've been watching the clock and keeping the time. When the clock reached a certain time, my friend would be home. Only five more hours before he comes to save me.

The Gucci picked me up and started to slobber all over me. The beast apparently found it amusing to see me in pain, for it continued to throw me, pick me up in her teeth, bite my neck and throw me again. The worst part was hearing her harsh and unrelenting growls from her throat as she sank her teeth in me. I begged her to stop! But the Gucci just growled and tossed me aside again.

Soon my friend would be home. I felt less and less doubt in this, but found more and more pain as the Gucci sat on me. I was too distraught to come up with a plan of escape, but I hoped that my friend would save me  before I needed one. My next plan was....EWWW! The foul beast released a noxious fume against me! Such a fearsome beast, using organic warfare against me. I was growing less scared and more disgusted with the current situation.

October 7th

I long for the days I spent on the shelf. At least then I didn't have a beast like the Gucci stuffing me between fur-laden sheets. But forced under the sheets with the beast was now becoming natural. As I gazed at the snoring beast that slept beside me, I started to resign to my fate. Perhaps I wouldn't be saved by my friend.... No! I had to get such negative ideas out of my head!  Having faith was the only way to keep me sane.

What's this? friend, is that him? Why, it is! I called out to him, forgetting he doesn't speak Dollese. I watched helplessly as he gave the Gucci a hug and walked off.

I took a nap that lasted some time. When I woke up, I found myself between the two beasts. Misty the cat hissed at Gucci the dog when she approached me. I could tell the two were at odds. As they both tried to make grabs at me, I realized that they were fighting over me.

Finally, Misty swatted Gucci away with her paw. She then jumped on me, and I could feel her claws sinking into my flesh. She was trying to tear me apart!

Where was my friend? Where did he go? Help me, my friend... Help me!


  1. I'm writing about a toy too.
    Well I'm not sure if you are supposed to do different times for the same day though. Ask Ms.C just to be on the safe side

  2. Lol! Your most recent post about being chewed up was hilarious! I really liked it.

  3. Wow! never thought a stuffed animal can go through so much...pain?...headaches???

  4. It's hilarious! :P I love what happens to the toy! xD

  5. Really funny! And so true, if it were to be of course. I like how the stuffed animal is still committed to being a good friend, considering what it goes through everyday.

  6. What an absolutely delightful piece! It evokes sympathy and laughter. Good job! :)
