Friday, November 12, 2010

Trivial News: Friday

Audience: Males 8-10+

Local Boy Likes His Pet

St. Elecord Elementary School student enjoys having a pet.

 Last Friday, local student and animal-lover Joey Oak said that he liked his pet rat, Gary. Joey claims that his pet is different from other pets. "It's like it's in the top percentage of pets!"

 "It's good to see people who like their pets," says shoe-putting-on expert and child psychologist Dr. Shund. "Joey here likes his pet. He respects in and know what makes it different from other rats."

 "All animals are different," says rat expert Dr. Dach. "We did some tests, and Joey's rat really is in the top percentage of pets."

"I really like Gary," Joey said in an interview with us. "I brought him to school and show and tell one day. Everybody loved him! But what I love most of all about him is that he always listens to me talk to him, he likes to cuddle, and he loves me back. That's why I like him, and that's why he's in the top percentage of rats."

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